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suspected of (suspect in) a crime

  • 1 suspect

    1. [sə'spekt] verb
    1) (to think (a person etc) guilty: Whom do you suspect (of the crime)?; I suspect him of killing the girl.) a bănui (de), a suspecta (de)
    2) (to distrust: I suspected her motives / air of honesty.) a suspecta
    3) (to think probable: I suspect that she's trying to hide her true feelings; I began to suspect a plot.) a bănui
    2. noun
    (a person who is thought guilty: There are three possible suspects in this murder case.) suspect
    3. adjective
    (not trustworthy: I think his statement is suspect.) suspect
    - suspicious
    - suspiciously
    - suspiciousness

    English-Romanian dictionary > suspect

См. также в других словарях:

  • crime — crimeless, adj. crimelessness, n. /kruym/, n. 1. an action or an instance of negligence that is deemed injurious to the public welfare or morals or to the interests of the state and that is legally prohibited. 2. criminal activity and those… …   Universalium

  • suspect — sus|pect1 W3S2 [səˈspekt] v [T not in progressive] [Date: 1400 1500; : Latin; Origin: suspectare, from the past participle of suspicere to look up at, admire, distrust , from sub up, secretly + specere to look at ] 1.) to think that something is… …   Dictionary of contemporary English

  • suspect — I. adjective Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo French, from Latin suspectus, from past participle of suspicere Date: 14th century 1. regarded or deserving to be regarded with suspicion ; suspected < investigates suspect employees > 2.… …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • suspect — sus·pect 1 / səs ˌpekt, sə spekt/ adj [Latin suspectus, from past participle of suspicere to look up at, regard with awe, suspect, from sub sus up, secretly + specere to look at]: regarded or deserving to be regarded with suspicion or heightened… …   Law dictionary

  • suspect — Ⅰ. suspect UK US /səˈspekt/ verb [T] ► to believe that something, usually something bad, may be true or may have happened: suspect that »The bank suspects that fraud has occurred. »suspect fraud/dishonesty/foul play ► to believe that someone is… …   Financial and business terms

  • Crime in Omaha — Crime rates (2008) (Population of 438,646) Crime type Rate [2] Homicide 10 Forcible rape 41 Robbery 216.4 Aggravated assault …   Wikipedia

  • Crime in Glendale, California — Crime in Glendale, California: Glendale police officers took on bootleggers and airmen in the 1920s, a decade when the department had both a liquor detail and an air policeman charged with citing pilots for flying violations committed over the… …   Wikipedia

  • Suspect — Sus*pect , n. [LL. suspectus. See {Suspect}, a.] 1. Suspicion. [Obs.] Chaucer. [1913 Webster] So with suspect, with fear and grief, dismayed. Fairfax. [1913 Webster] 2. One who, or that which, is suspected; an object of suspicion; formerly… …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • suspect — [sə spekt′; ] for adj. usually, & for n. always [, sus′pekt΄] vt. [LME suspecten < L suspectus, pp. of suspicere, to look under, look up to, admire, also to mistrust < sus (see SUB ), under + spicere, to look (see SPY)] 1. to believe… …   English World dictionary

  • Crime SuspenStories — Cover, #1 by Johnny Craig Publication information Publisher EC Comics …   Wikipedia

  • suspect — ► VERB 1) believe to be probable or possible. 2) believe to be guilty of a crime or offence, without certain proof. 3) doubt the genuineness or truth of. ► NOUN ▪ a person suspected of a crime or offence. ► ADJECTIVE ▪ possibly dangerous or false …   English terms dictionary

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